
Assessment at our school is ongoing for all pupils in our care as we build on firm foundations. Teachers deliver the Early Years and National Curriculum and children are assessed against these.

Assessments against the National Curriculum are made by teachers and are monitored by the senior leaders in school. Children in Reception are assessed on entry to school and are assessed against the Early Learning Goals at the end of their Reception year. Children in all other years are assessed against the National Expectations for each year group. Our school target is that pupils are in line with or above national expectations in each year group.

The school uses a tracking facility that enables us to track individual, groups and classes of children. Children take the Y1 phonics test, the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) in year 4 and SATs in year 6. At regular points during the year, teachers assess children's attainment and progress. Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers on the progress and attainment of their child. Parent's evenings and the summer term report provide more formal opportunities for this discussion. In all classes, parents are encouraged to use Tapestry to see how their child is progressing. They are also invited in for regular discussions with the class staff team.

DofE School Performance Data

Performance tables


Phonics Screening Check

The Year One Phonics Screening Check is a statutory assessment which aims to assess your child's ability to decode and blend sounds to read words accurately. This check is typically conducted towards the end of Year One, usually in June.

During the Phonics Screening Check, your child will be asked to read a list of 40 words, both real and nonsense (or "alien") words, aloud to their teacher. These words are selected to assess your child's understanding and application of phonics, the relationship between letters and sounds. The Phonics Screening Check helps identify children who may be struggling with phonics, allowing us to provide targeted support to help them catch up. By addressing any difficulties early on, we can ensure that all children have a solid foundation in reading, setting them up for future learning. Children who do not meet the expected threshold in Year One will complete the screening again in Year Two. 

Nonsense words


Real words






















Multiplication Times Table Check - MTC

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils in England.

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help the school to identify if your child may need additional support.

What is the multiplication tables check?

The MTC is is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions, each pupil will have 6 seconds to answer each question.

As parents / carers we ask that you practise times tables with your child. In class we use a variety of methods to practise our quick recall of all of our times tables. From April until the 'real' check in June, The Standards and Testing Agency give schools unlimited access to a ‘try it out’ area. Schools use this to make sure pupils have the necessary support to access the check. This includes opportunities for pupils to familiarise themselves with the check application and try out any access arrangements that may be required.


If you have a child in year 6, at the end of key stage 2 (KS2) they will take national curriculum assessments in: 

• English grammar, punctuation and spelling 

• English reading 

• mathematics 

Some people refer to these tests as ‘SATs’. 

The tests help measure the attainment of pupils in relation to the standards set out in the national curriculum, and help teachers and parents identify where pupils may need additional support in a certain subject area. The tests are also used to assess schools’ performance, and school-level results data is used to produce national and regional performance statistics. Your child will sit the KS2 tests on scheduled dates set by the Standards and Testing Agency (STA). If your child is absent on a scheduled test day, they may be able to take any missed tests up to 5 school days afterwards. Your child’s school must apply for a timetable variation and receive approval from STA to allow for this. 

At St George's we work hard to prepare the children for the year 6 SATs but do so in a fun and positive way. During SATs week we provide the children with breakfast each day and with fruit for breaks. We use resources such as practice tests, online question tools and revision booklets to build children's confidence. 

Further information will be provided to parents/carers in the run up to the assessment window. 

Document Title Date Download
St Georges CofE Primary Academy Ofsted report Jan 2022 07th Sep 2023 Download
SIAMS inspection 09.03.17 07th Sep 2023 Download