Christian Distinctiveness

Building on firm foundations.

Matthew 7:24&25

Our Christian vision is 'Building on Firm Foundations'.

Our vision is at the heart of all we do at St George's. In Matthew 7, Jesus teaches us about the wise man and the foolish man. The foolish man built his house on the sand. In stormy weather, the foolish man's house was washed away. The wise man built his house on firm foundations meaning that it was able to weather the storm. This teaches us that Jesus is the firm foundation we can stand on in both good and bad times. Our vision is that we build on firm foundations in terms of faith, spirituality and and in our academic learning.

Our Christian values are linked to the theme of Lights

At the start of the each half term we focus on one of our Christian values as well as showing the others in our daily lives. Through all of our values we think about Jesus being the 'Light of the World'.

We learn about the significance of light within the Bible and it's importance in our everyday lives.

Our LIGHTS shine brightly!

Our Christian values were chosen through discussions with pupils, parents, staff and governors








All of our Christian values are underpinned by stories from the Bible and enable our children to live out the values in their lives just as Jesus would have wanted.



There is a daily act of worship in school which is wholly or mainly of a Christian nature and is 'inclusive, invitational and inspiring’. Our worship is linked to our school Christian vision 'Building on Firm Foundations' and our Christian values of love, inclusion, guidance, hope, trust and service all of which are promoted by our pupils, staff and community. 

Our daily acts of worship last for approximately 15-20 minutes. We sing songs, share Bible stories, reflect on our vision and values and the impact these have on our lives and the lives of others all whilst praising God. We invite people to 'pray as you pray'. We are supported by St Paul's Church with weekly visits by Rev Leon Sim. 

We say Grace together as a class before we eat our lunch and we also say a prayer at the end of our school day.

Parents are able to withdraw their child from our daily act of worship and a meeting with Mrs Earnshaw, our Headteacher, can be arranged to discuss this.

We have a prayer tree where children and their families can peg their prayers. Each week we talk about those people around the world as well as in our local community who need our prayers. We have a weekly focus for our prayer time.

We teach this version of the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven

Hallowed be your name

Your Kingdom come

Your will be done,

On Earth as in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory

Forever and forever.


This is our school Prayer:

Almighty God

We give you our school.

We give you all the children who learn here.

We give you all the adults who work here.

We pray St George's will be a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity.

May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love,

A place where everyone is respected and all are deeply valued.

We ask all this through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Every week we award a Values Certificate. These are shared with the children in our worship celebration on Fridays and shared with parents and governors via our weekly newsletters.

Collective Worship Policy

Document Title Date Download
CW policy SD 07th Oct 2024 Download

Spirit Detectives

Our Spirit Detectives help call our school community to collective worship, lead worship and contribute to our time of prayer as well as deciding the foucs for our prayers over the week. This group of children represent each of our year groups from Y1 through to Y6 and help promote our vision of 'building on firm foundations' and our Christian values in all they do.

Spirituality Policy

Document Title Date Download
Spirituality Policy 11th Jul 2024 Download